Friday, November 20, 2009

What am I thankful for? Day 14

I am thankful for sleep. I wish that I could say that I got a lot of sleep last night but not getting any sleep makes me so much more appreciative for the next time I get it. Claire was awake until 11:30pm and Ben was up at 11:30pm, 12:45am, 2:15am, 6am, and then up for the day at 8:45am. Claire of course got up at 6:30am which means only 7 hours of sleep! For those of you with toddlers you know that trying to get them to function and have a good day on 7 hours of sleep is almost impossible. Being at the beach and all sleeping in the same room is difficult. You can't let one cry it out a while or try to go to sleep on their own with singing. I hope that tonight is a better night as I would love to get more than 2 hours of sleep and would be super thankful for it.

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