Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What am I thankful for? Day 18

I am thankful for a patient dentist.  Today was Claire's first dental appointment and it did not go very well.  She refused to sit in the chair and then of course Ben started crying so I had to pick him up.  I am trying to get her to sit int the chair and I finally get her to, on pain of death, when the dentist come in and reclines the chair and raises it up.  She is not impressed and starts to scream like he it taking dental tools to her eyes.  She is uncomfortable with him being a man as she has always been hesitant of men and the appointment just hits rock bottom.  She has now been in the chair a total of 2 minutes and at least she is screaming and he can see her teeth and he quickly tries to take a look, count them, and put this foam on them.  The hygienist starts to suck Claire's face off with the spit sucker and Claire at this point has started to hyperventilate and turn a little blue.  The dentist looks at me and shouts "I can stop if you want."  I tell him to just finish if he can so he pokes a tooth in the back and says that things are looking great.  He sits Claire up on the chair and she throws herself off towards me and hides behind me for the rest of the conversation with the dentist.  She was in the chair a total of 4 minutes.  She got to pick out her own tooth brush, floss, tooth paste, and a prize and of course now she is fine and smiling.  We get to go back in 6 months.  I can't wait.  

What am I thankful for? Day 17

I am thankful for helpful medical receptionists.  Today I had to make 3 doctors appointments for the family and 3 dental appointments for all of us.  This can be a problem when you have never seen the doctor before and sometimes the front desk, in my experience, can be at times snotty and unhelpful.  Everyone was more than helpful and very nice.  Tomorrow Claire has her first dental appointment.

What am I thankful for? Day 16

I am thankful for a healthy fish tank.  I have been struggling with my fish tank for about 3 weeks now.  I recently discovered that most of my fish had ick.  This was not a fun discovery as most of them died and the "Cure" killed all my snails.  At this point I think everything is OK and the tank has struck a balance.  Everything is looking great and I still have 5 fish left.

What am I thankful for? Day 15

I am thankful for sales on kids clothing.  Today I was able to spend little money and clothe our growing children for winter.  Plus I got to spend the day without kids and with my sisters in-law.  It was a fun day and I am a great bargain hunter.