There is going to be a new regular post with Claire from now on. I will be asking her questions and she will be answering them. I would like to get to the point that others ask her questions and she can answer them. Be thinking of some appropriate questions and when it is time for Claire's Corner I will pick a few and she will answer them.
Q: How old are you?
A: 4
Q: When is your birthday?
A: July
Q: What do you think of the weather today:
A: Um, it's cloudy and this is pretty funny.
Q: What do you want to say?
A: Um, rainbows, plants, Ben said pants and I said PLANTS! That is just silly.
Q: What do you think of Ben?
A: He's 2. He is funny and silly and nice and he likes sharks. Yup, he likes sharks. Ben got a frog from the dentist for doing a good job. He likes big fishies and tiny fishies. He likes playing at the playground and I like to play at the playground. He likes to watch movies and he like to sing songs and stars and the moon. He likes the windy days and sometimes he really likes going everywhere at the stores. I am done about Ben.
Q: What do you think about Sam?
A: He likes to put his hand in his mouth and eat the play ketchup. Sometimes he cries and wakes me up like last night. It's OK. Sam likes Ben. Ben really likes Sam. Sam is a baby and a Sam. Sam Sam Sam Sam.
Q: What do you think about mean people?
A: Queens are mean. Sometimes they can be dangerous. That's it.
Q:Is there anything else you have to say?
A: Yup, I don't know. Maybe Ben can do it?
Again I am opening up the floor to ask Claire questions so be thinking and post a comment. I will pick a few and she will answer them.