Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I just caught sight at my own reflection and I'm scared.

You know you are a mom of more than one child when you realize that it has been 3 days since you last showered.  I was nursing Ben when I came to this realization.  Gross.  I have been so consumed with potty training, teething, and trying to get this house in order that I forgot myself.  Wow that was a little too easy.  Note to self: Showering is a must.


Something we are trying over the last week and the next couple is not buying any groceries except for milk, juice, and eggs.  We are forcing ourselves to save money and use what we have.  This has been a good lesson thus far, but a difficult one as well.  I have not had the time to try and prepare food but have had to make it work.  Cooking from scratch takes a lot of time and effort and with two little kids there were days that I wanted to lead them into the oven, a hot and mystical cave.  Oh look!  A beautiful oven unicorn!  Go get it!


Tomorrow I am, come hell or high water, going to finish the upstairs if it kills me!  I am so tired of looking at things all out of order and having all these unfinished projects everywhere.  Maybe I can get Travis to take the kids on Saturday so I can finish painting Claire’s room.  That would make me feel great!  There is work to be done.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame your lack of hygiene on the children, you dirty girl... :)

deaconlarsen said...

As long as you don't mean "Dirty" like the doll at the beach I'm fine.