Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just because the package is small....

Today was a rough day for Claire. She was just off and had an attitude about her that made me want to send her to a distant content. I chalked it up to growing pains and discovering her own voice which, at times, makes me wonder if she is really only 4. Ben was playing nicely and Sam was sleeping when I noticed Claire quietly sitting behind the sofa balled up. Thinking she was pouting about a previous argument earlier that day I casually asked if she was ok. She turned her head and found her with tears in her eyes. I at first thought she was hurt and when asked she didn't speak. It alarmed me more and I started to fear that something ruptured because she was warm and pale. After pressing her to speak she burst out with "I miss Grandma!" My heart sank and I sat on the floor with her holding her as she cried uncontrollably. "I miss her voice, I miss her kisses, I can't see her anymore!" I didn't know what to do. I just held her. I let her talk and cry. "I want Greg. Greg and Grandma should be here not in Heaven! I want them and I can't have them. It's not fair!" "I know" was all I could say to her. We were both crying and Ben came and sat with us. He didn't even ask what was wrong. He just held us and placed his head on my ribs and held Claire's hand. I let them both know that there will always be a piece missing where Uncle Greg and Grandma were in our lives. We have lots of pictures and stories to keep them alive in our memories. As long as we talk about them we will never forget them and how much they meant to us. I let them know that I can still hear Grandma's voice in my head. Her infectious laugh. I can feel her hugs that I always got upon seeing her even if we had seen each other the previous day. I hear Uncle Greg's voice telling stories about when he was a kid or arguing at the dinner table about something with Uncle Matt and Bapa. I feel Uncle Greg's big strong hugs that I got every time I saw him and of how much he loved them. He loved them. Grandma loved them. I remind them that we are lucky to have been given as much time as we did with them while they were here. This experience with Claire today was a tough one since it made me remember that just because she is small doesn't mean she doesn't understand or comprehend loss. We are almost at the 1 year anniversary of Karen's death. My body can feel it and now I know Claire's does too. I am glad I was able to share such an emotional experience with my daughter and be emotional with her. As much as I initially dreaded having to talk about the loss of Greg and Karen out loud it was good to do and I think we are feeling a little better about life.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Katie. Both Karen and Greg have been so much on my mind as "the day" approaches. Isn't is amazing how much kids pick up when we think that they aren't getting it at all? I wish I'd been there. I could use a group hug too right about now!!! That laugh still echos in my mind, too. I look around my house and see Karen everywhere - she made so many lovely and useful things for me. Thanks for posting this. I'm crying, too, but it is a good thing. Much, much love to you all. Janet

Shana said...

That's not where I thought this post was going initially... now tears are streaming down MY face. I do so agree with Claire... it's NOT fair. I miss Greg every single day, and Karen too. Especially this time of year that focuses on family, they are so incredibly missed. While we know that Greg wasn't a huge fan of Christmas, he was a HUGE fan of his family and getting to spend time with them... as was Karen. Even today, being Halloween, I know Greg loved seeing his nieces and nephews all dressed up and excited... he loved and appreciated the joy and adventure they brought to his life. And it just makes me sad to have that part of my world gone... to watch the joy transform his face into a big grin.

I am so glad I was able to spend some time with Claire (and Ben, Sam, you and Travis) last week. Tell Claire her Aunt Shana loves her very much.

Much love and hugs,