I think my Nana said it best "Life with 2 kids is quadruple the work of 1." When I first heard this I remember thinking "OK Nana you silly, silly lady." What was I thinking shrugging that off. She was totally right! I am OK enough with myself to admit when I am wrong. I WAS WRONG! I am sure I haven't hit the tip of the ice burg on how much more work it becomes when Ben starts walking. It also hit me how scared and grossed out I was when Claire got stomach flu (We all got it. Plus vomit is my Kryptonite) and now I will have 2 with stomach flu. I am also having such a hard time getting anything done around the house. It is killing me that I have all these unfinished projects everywhere. As soon as I sit down to do something or it starts getting really good Ben is screaming or Claire wants my attention.
I love being a mother and I would never change that but HOLY MOTHER Of PEARL I want to get something done from start to finish! I know I am not the only mother who feels like this but the mothers I know seem like super moms who have capes on and finish everything and have time to make roast duck dinner FROM SCRATCH. I do my darnedest to get as much done in the time I have but I also like to do things like sit, eat, or shower alone.
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