Monday, August 31, 2009

Ben Part 1

On April 30th at 4:35am the larsen family welcomed Benjamin Clark Larsen.  9lbs 7oz,  20 1/2", and a 14" head.  He was a big boy.  This time was much shorter to get him here unlike his sister.  

It all started with me being told that I was going to be induced on Friday as that would be over a week late.  Me not wanting this at all costs tried everything to get him here naturally.  You name it, I did it.  I really took one for the team.  I went in for a check on Wednesday and my midwife scheduled me for an induction on Thursday night despite all my begging and pleading.  I did however ask her to strip my membranes as I think that helped with Claire.  She did and I walked away feeling crampy.  I called Travis to see if he wanted to meet me for lunch since it might be the last time for a while since things might start happening soon.  He agreed and I called my Doula Stacey to let her know what was happening. 

Later that day about 3pm things started to feel a little more intense but still quite irregular and knowing me I felt no need for alarm.  My mom had been staying with us for a few days in case we needed to leave for the hospital at the drop of a hat and to watch Claire.  I had gone up stairs to change my clothes and when I came back down I looked at my huge belly and it was looking quite far away from where it had been when I went up the stairs.  A little confused I looked at my mom and asked her if I looked different and she  thought he was definitely on his way as he had dropped, in my mind, about 4 feet.

We ate dinner with me having contractions and in denial that this was IT because they were so irregular and at different levels of pain.  Nothing I couldn't handle but with Claire they were perfectly timed and all growing on the pain scale.  This was totally wrong!  I called Stacey about 10pm and she had suggested that I try using the breast pump for a half an hour to get the contractions really going if this was the real thing.  She then asked to come over and that she would just sleep on my couch until things were really happening.  I was still in denial about the whole thing and didn't want her to drive all the way from Salem to Sandy for nothing.  So we agreed that I would just call IF things developed .  Riiight.

Travis and I went to bed about 11pm and I woke up with intense back pain about 1am.  I didn't want to wake Travis for nothing and I thought abut how tired he was last time with Claire that even if this was the real thing I wanted him to sleep for a while.  I called Stacey about 1:15 just to let her know what was going on and I woke her up out of a dead sleep.  She didn't know at first who I was (She later told me how sorry she was about this) not that I minded since it was in the wee hours of the morning.  I told her what was going on and that they were still irregular and no bloody show yet.  At that point in the conversation I could tell that she had jumped out of bed and was on her way.  I was starting to get a little more on the band wagon since I heard Stacey, who herself was about 6 months pregnant, turn into an action figure over the phone.  

Stacey had about an hour drive and everyone in the house was still sleeping so I decided to clean.  I got the blankets folded to put over the couch and took out the recycling.   All while doing this I was starting to notice that I had to keep stopping to get through contractions pretty regularly.  What?!  I kept on doing things but was keeping a close eye on the clock.  After about 10 minutes of activity I was having contractions every 2 minutes and they were lasting about a minute.  I called Stacey back.  I told her the new predicament I was in.  She was still about 45 minutes away and was stuck because there was a massive apartment fire.  We discussed plan B which was to meet at the hospital and I decided to wait and see how it went because there was still no "Show."  She mentioned that if I felt any pressure to just go and she would just see us there.

I went about my business just finding little things to do and then about 5 minutes later I was standing and swaying over the counter when I was like "Would that be the head?"  At that point I panicked a little.  I called Stacey back and said plan B is a go!  I was trying to text and Call immediate family in the middle of intense contractions in the middle of the night.  That was quite a site to see.  I realized that Travis was still sleeping and that he kind of needed to be the driver in this senario. I woke him up as well as my mom to let her know that we were leaving.

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