Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Random sentances

I am sitting here in bed thinking of all the things I need to get done this week. House looks like a bomb went off but it needs to be cleaned up before Thursday night because there is going to be a meeting here. Meeting...Bazaar meeting. Not a BAZAAR meeting but a meeting about the bazaar I am in charge of. I have a thousand things I need to get done for my booth in the bazaar and I have no time to do them.

Travis is laying next to me breathing loudly and I kind of want to hit him with a pillow. That would not be so nice but it would feel good. I have had a headache for a couple of days now which is weird for me as I haven't had a headache for a while. I don't like it and my head itches. I keep wanting to do amazing things with my blog but I am having trouble managing my time. I am tired and have no energy and all I want to do is lay in bed all day. My kids have been a mix of good and evil lately. I don't know what to think about that other than they are kids. Maybe they are trying to kill me.

I have killed every Venus fly trap I have ever had. I clearly don't have enough flying bugs in my house to keep them fed. Travis has now decided to read my blog over my shoulder and it is maddening. Maybe I should hit him with a pillow. He did flick me for thinking about hitting him with a pillow once he read it. It would just be revenge.

My head is filled with random thoughts and it feels kind of good to let it out. What other crazy stuff is in there? I like cake. I really liked talking to Sam today like I was hosting a cooking show and had a thick Columbian accent. I don't know why it was Columbian but alas it was and Sam thought it was hilarious. That is the only accent that makes him laugh. I like to read to the kids with different accents but am afraid to do them for anyone else. I had a thought the other day to sue America for the loss of my accent. I love European accents and think they are interesting and classy and I want mine back. I am not happy that it was lost over time and I blame the melting pot that is America. Now as I write and narrate this in my head I am speaking in an Irish accent. Once it starts it can't be stopped. Oh well at least I am fancy in my own head. Ok now I sound like a head case. Off to bed before this turns into a 5 page essay on the crazy firings of my brain.

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