Sunday, June 19, 2011

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease!

For Easter we decided to get the kids a butterfly pavilion and "Raise" caterpillars into butterflies. We sent away for for our caterpillars and soon enough they came in the mail. They were very tiny and fuzzy and the kids were so excited. We did have to explain that we can't hold them as caterpillars don't like that.

They ate and ate for 2 weeks and before we knew it they were huge and fat. The kids watched them every day waiting for them to build their cocoons and begin to transform. One morning all 5 caterpillars were snug in their cocoons and now we waited for them to emerge as butterflies. The day before Trav, Sam, and I left for Denver one butterfly hatched. I have never seen the kids so excited! They demanded that we let it go right then and there and so we did. I was amazed that they didn't want to keep it. I was prepared for tears and trying to explain that it needs to be free. We have truly wonderful children who never even gave thought to keeping it.

The rest hatched while we were in Denver and when we got home we released the rest. Both kids got to hold them before they flew away. I am excited to get more as it was fun for us to experience as a family. I recommend that anyone with kids do this. It was fun, exciting, and educational. Next time I will have to be faster with my camera though. Butterflies are fast.

1 comment:

Goola! said...

That's awesome! Where did you get them from?