Sunday, November 8, 2009

What am I thankful for? Day 1

A friend from high school mentioned that she will be posting what she is thankful for every day now until Thanksgiving.  I think this is a wonderful idea and will be doing this as well.

I am thankful for being able to find a pair of pants that fit.  I have discovered that I only had one pair of pants that I could wear, and even then they didn't really fit.  They were too big and getting tattered.  I went shopping with my mom and found a pair that fit my new body at this stage in my weight loss.  I am glad and thankful that I no longer have a saggy looking butt, not having to constantly pull my pants up, or worry about the hole that was forming in a place where you don't want a hole.  I know that this is a  trivial thing to be thankful for but not having pants can be kind of a problem.

1 comment:

Shana Larsen said...

While to some that may seem insignificant, we know over here how important it is for your clothes to fit well! Greg has had to switch so many sizes the past year, it makes my head spin. ;)

I'm so proud of you, Katie! Keep up the good work... and yes, the challenge is a fantastic idea.
